A. TiDE Journal
The journal of the TRG aims to provide an avenue for people who work on problems that arise in developing economies to publish their work for the national and international audience. Such a journal will also help create awareness among the international academia, engineering and planning community about the nature of the problems, which are sometimes quite challenging, that occur in countries like India. This in turn will bring in new ideas to tackle these academically challenging problems. It is envisaged that academics, engineers and planners from around the world will, in due course of time, get drawn towards these problems and help solve them. Such synergy between the academics, engineers and planners of developed and developing economies will ultimately lead to better understanding of transportation problems everywhere. Over time, the proposed journal will become a leading forum where researchers from around the world will want to publish their work. Given that the journal wishes to provide an avenue for good research to be published on an international forum the journal will publish papers on all topics related to transportation. The emphasis will be on research, planning and engineering problems that typically arise in developing economies. The journal will only publish original research or review articles of good quality with high archival value. Initially TiDE may publish only two issues annually. It is expected that in the long run TiDE will be published every quarter. Click here to follow the journal webpage.
B. TRR Journal
The Transportation Research Record is one of the top peer-reviewed transportation publications for U.S. and foreign authors. The TRR is one of the most-cited transportation publications, offering academic and practitioner viewpoints on transportation subjects. All modes of passenger and freight transportation are addressed in papers covering a wide array of disciplines, including policy, planning, administration, economics and financing, operations, construction, design, maintenance, safety, and more. The TRR publishes 12 issues annually of outstanding, peer-reviewed papers presenting research findings in policy, planning, administration, economics and financing, operations, construction, design, maintenance, safety, and more, for all modes of transportation. The ideal TRR contribution clearly advances knowledge in its area of expertise, explicitly draws out the practical implications of the paper’s results, whether for immediate or longer-term application, and is well written with an engaging style.Click here to follow the journal webpage.